The name is absent


demolition and the raising of modem apartment buildings: an image of modem
comιption, greed, and the failure of the traditional family unit. On the contrary, the site’s
current users were seen by their neighbors, positively, to be preserving the historic
building from demolition113, maintaining the feel of the neighborhood, and promoting
green living even if the local residents were, in the end, a little suspicious of what went
on in the house. So, the Propopoulou estate stood, simultaneously, as a symbol of what is
wrong with contemporary Greek society and how it might be different.

On the day I discovered the property there was no sign of life in or around the
house, but several subsequent night visits revealed that a large group of young people
were frequenting the site. Most of these nocturnal visitors would leave the property after
three in the morning, although some would sleep there. I recognized a number of these
individuals from my visits to Platia Exarchion, from various protests, and from around
the suburb, although I didn’t know them personally. In time I conducted interviews with
some of the more regular visitors, including the site’s self-appointed grounds-keepers.
These individuals spoke about being part of a broader national114 and international115
collection of occupied sites, about preserving green-space, experimenting with off-the-
grid living, and about providing free habitation for all and especially the urban poor.
These individuals had established a large garden, installed a wind-powered generator on
the roof, and were advertising free Spanish lessons, free movies, and the hours of
operation of a café that was available to be ran by any group interested in raising money.

113 It is illegal to demolish the building while it is occupied, even if occasionally.
1 f4 There is another house such as the one in Halandri located at 37 Lelas Karayanni Street in Athens,
although several more exist across Greece. The Lelas Karayanni house is famous, however, as it has been
occupied for several decades and was recently targeted by the urban beautification and development
committee of the 2004 Olympic Games.

115 Some of these sites have adopted the symbol of a circle with a zigzagging tree or arrow splayed across
its middle. This symbol signifies an interest in environmental activism.

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