Figure 6: Long-run patterns of substitution elasticities of healthy and unhealthy food categories.
Table 1: Cointegration rank test statistics for AI system applied to Italian survey data with regional
(1a) and national price indices (1b)
Specification 1a - Regional price index.
H0 |
Johansen Trace Statistic Test |
S&L Cointegration Test | ||
r=0 |
137.19 |
[0.000] |
108.43 |
[0.000] |
r=1 |
78.41 |
[0.037] |
58.89 |
[0.061] |
r=2 |
50.95 |
[0.092] |
34.99 |
[0.152] |
r=3 |
27.51 |
[0.267] |
17.62 |
[0.277] |
r=4 |
9.97 |
[0.647] |
5.03 |
[0.566] |
r=5 |
3.56 |
[0.493] |
0.46 |
[0.556] |
Specification 1b - National price index.
H0 |
Johansen Trace Statistic Test |
S&L Cointegration Test | ||
r=0 |
144.68 |
[0.000] |
92.14 |
[0.010] |
r=1 |
79.75 |
[0.028] |
61.55 |
[0.036] |
r=2 |
38.40 |
[0.557] |
33.36 |
[0.207] |
r=3 |
18.94 |
[0.787] |
13.96 |
[0.547] |
r=4 |
9.96 |
[0.649] |
6.16 |
[0.421] |
r=5 |
3.38 |
[0.523] |
0.05 |
[0.867] |
Notes: r is number of cointegrating relations. Johansen trace tests and Saikkonen & LUtkepohl tests
are reported for identification of AI model. These values are estimated with a V AR(3) with restricted
intercepts and no trends in six endogenous variables w1 , w2, logp1 , logp2 , logp3 and log(Y /p). Seasonal
centred dummies are included. P-values of the are shown in square brackets.
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