About one in five students (17%) had tutors because they did not learn well from their
teachers in school, with more year 13 students giving this reason (27%) than year 11 (17%) or
year 6 (7%), a highly significant difference ( χ2 = 46, df = 2, p < .001). Similarly, year 13 and
11 students were more likely than year 6 students to think that their school did not provide
enough help (19%, 15% and 7% respectively) (χ2 = 15.6, df = 2, p < .001). It was rarely the
only reason for having a tutor. Responses to these questions suggest that primary school
students were more satisfied with the help they received from their teachers in school.
About one in ten (9%) students had a private tutor because they had additional learning needs
and there was little difference between the year groups. It is of interest to note that 11% of
students had tutors on the basis of a recommendation by their school and that such advice was
received by more year 6 students (15%) than year 11 or 13 (8%) (χ2 = 9.9, df = 2, p < .01).
Students gave a number of additional reasons for having a tutor. Tutors were sometimes
employed to teach a subject not offered in school, this was mainly for languages such as
Spanish, Urdu and Punjabi. A small number of students indicated that there were problems in
school such as a timetable clash that prevented them from taking a subject or there was no
teacher for that subject. Parents' wishes were also mentioned, as was their inability to offer
help themselves.
From the students’ perspective the main reason for having a tutor is to help them do well in
tests and examinations. Tutors may help students move more quickly through the curriculum,
catch up with work missed or assist with additional learning needs, all of which might
contribute to doing well in tests and examinations.