4.2 Productivity shock
In Figure 2, the impulse response functions of aggregate variables to a technology shock
εz,2 = 1 in period 2 (and zero thereafter) are presented. In the first row, the percent-
age deviations of the variables technology level zt , output Yt , consumption Ct , and
investment It are graphed, in the second row, we illustrate the percentage deviations
of effective labor input Nt and working hours (the dotted line), capital Kt, real money
mt , and the inflation factor πt , while in the third row, you find the behavior of marginal
costs gt (the inverse of the mark-up), profits Ωt, the real interest rt, and the wage rate
Figure 2
Technology Shock in the OLG Model

_________ |

Following an unexpected increase of the technology level by 1%, output increases by
1.0% as well. On impact, effective labor input increases slightly whereas working hours
decrease. Subsequently both effective labor input and hours decrease. This result stems
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