The ne[2(T + TR] + T] + 7 equations (27) through (34) define Ut for given xt and λt.
The dynamics of the system is then determined from the ne[3(T+TR- 1)] +2 equations
(35) through (41).
The log-linear system (26) is determined if ne[2(T + TR - 1)] of its Eigenvalues are
within the unit circle and if ne(T + TR - 1) + 2 Eigenvalues are outside the unit circle.
This condition holds in our calibration.
6.3 Non-stochastic steady state of the Ramsey model
The stationary solution of the representative agent model is characterized by the fol-
lowing set of equations. Since real money balances are constant, the inflation factor π
equals the money growth factor θ:
π = θ.
Calvo price staggering implies
The stationary version of the Euler equation for capital,
1—β(1—δ) = n1 -α kα-1 τ 0 [ gn1 -αkα ]
can be solved for k given our predetermined value of n = 0.33. Given the solution for
k we can determine y. The stationary version of the economy’s resource constraint,
y = c + δk
allows us, then, to compute c. Finally, the Euler equation (25c) implies the stationary
solution for the ratio between consumption and real money balances:
C = γ μ^
M/P 1 — γ[β
We use this equation and (42c) to determine the value of γ. This is all we need to
compute the policy function of the log-linearized model.
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