Bargaining Power and Equilibrium Consumption

CESifo Working Paper Series

(for full list see

Christian Gollier, Optimal Illusions and Decisions under Risk, January 2005

Daniel Mejia and Marc St-Pierre, Unequal Opportunities and Human Capital Formation,
January 2005

Luis H. R. Alvarez and Erkki Koskela, Optimal Harvesting under Resource Stock and
Price Uncertainty, January 2005

Ruslan Lukach, Peter M. Kort and Joseph Plasmans, Optimal R&D Investment
Strategies with Quantity Competition under the Threat of Superior Entry, January 2005

Alfred Greiner, Uwe Koeller and Willi Semmler, Testing Sustainability of German
Fiscal Policy. Evidence for the Period 1960 - 2003, January 2005

Gebhard Kirchgassner and Tobias Schulz, Expected Closeness or Mobilisation: Why
Do Voters Go to the Polls? Empirical Results for Switzerland, 1981 - 1999, January

Emanuele Bacchiocchi and Alessandro Missale, Managing Debt Stability, January 2005

Assar Lindbeck and Dirk Niepelt, Improving the SGP: Taxes and Delegation rather than
Fines, January 2005

James J. Heckman and Dimitriy V. Masterov, Skill Policies for Scotland, January 2005

Emma Galli & Fabio Padovano, Sustainability and Determinants of Italian Public
Deficits before and after Maastricht, January 2005

Angel de la Fuente and Juan Francisco Jimeno, The Private and Fiscal Returns to
Schooling and the Effect of Public Policies on Private Incentives to Invest in Education:
A General Framework and Some Results for the EU, January 2005

Juan C. Conesa and Carlos Garriga, Optimal Response to a Demographic Shock,
January 2005

Christian Gollier, Optimal Portfolio Management for Individual Pension Plans,
February 2005

Ruslan Lukach, Joseph Plasmans and Peter M. Kort, Innovation Strategies in a
Competitive Dynamic Setting, February 2005

Gebhard Kirchgassner, (Why) Are Economists Different?, February 2005

Marko Kothenbürger, Panu Poutvaara and Paola Profeta, Why are More Redistributive
Social Security Systems Smaller? A Median Voter Approach, February 2005

More intriguing information

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2. The Employment Impact of Differences in Dmand and Production
3. A production model and maintenance planning model for the process industry
4. Geography, Health, and Demo-Economic Development
5. Name Strategy: Its Existence and Implications
6. The name is absent
7. Do the Largest Firms Grow the Fastest? The Case of U.S. Dairies
8. The name is absent
9. The name is absent
10. Banking Supervision in Integrated Financial Markets: Implications for the EU
11. Spatial patterns in intermunicipal Danish commuting
12. Factores de alteração da composição da Despesa Pública: o caso norte-americano
13. Perceived Market Risks and Strategic Risk Management of Food Manufactures: Empirical Results from the German Brewing Industry
14. Nurses' retention and hospital characteristics in New South Wales, CHERE Discussion Paper No 52
15. Trade Liberalization, Firm Performance and Labour Market Outcomes in the Developing World: What Can We Learn from Micro-LevelData?
16. Bidding for Envy-Freeness: A Procedural Approach to n-Player Fair Division Problems
17. The name is absent
18. The name is absent
19. The Clustering of Financial Services in London*
20. Une Gestion des ressources humaines à l'interface des organisations : vers une GRH territoriale ?