Experience, Innovation and Productivity - Empirical Evidence from Italy's Slowdown

Y1 = Y2

H 0: <λ = λ.

μ1  μ2

The third step forward considers the formation of the groups as endogenous. The idea is that firms
introduce innovations because they are more productive, young or intensive at investing into R&D
activities or innovative capital, or maybe because they have more cash flows. The age profile of the
board members and/or the share of temporary workers might be correlated to the innovativeness of
the firms as well.

The new specification for labor productivity growth can be thought of as a standard case of
switching regression model with endogenous switching (as explained firstly in Maddala 1983). We
want to consistently estimate the parameters in two regimes: whether firms are innovative (regime j
= 1) or non innovative (regime j = 2) over the period of observation. The new model specification is
the following.


-----------I + ε1it if innovative



(Temporary        . ð

I   + ε2it if noninnovativ

L     √ it-2

The marginal distribution of the error terms εjit j=1,2 can be assumed normal with zero mean and
constant variance σ
j2. We shall modify this strong assumption in the robustness estimations. The
conditional distribution of the error terms are instead different from zero, according to:

Ε(ε1it | innovative) 0


Ε(ε2it | non innovative) 0

This is because a criterion function determines whether a firm belongs to regime 1 or 2, as in
equation (7):6

'D1 = 1 if δZit + ωit > 0


D1 = 0 otherwise
6 D1
= 0 D2 = 1 , meaning that, if a firm has not introduced an innovation in 2001-2003, it is non innovative by


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