An institutional analysis of sasi laut in Maluku, Indonesia

13. Harmony

Harmony in the community is significantly less than in the past, and further deterioration is
expected. Many conflicts are local and concern the forest-gardens. As in Seri, drinking is a
major problem and was noted by nearly half of the respondents. The reasons for alcohol abuse
and the general increase in conflicts are, according to the respondents: 1) unemployment, 2)
low consciousness as a result of little education, 3) a lack of government control, 4) conditions
in the city, 5) economic demands, and 6) external influences.

15.8.4 Biological sustainability

14. State of the resource

The state of the resource has deteriorated dramatically over the past 15 years (down 37%) and
further decline is expected in the future (21%). The reasons for this decline are given in Section 15.1.

15. Fish catches

Fish catches have also declined dramatically (down 35%). Certain fish species have become
rare or seem to have disappeared. Fishers have to go further out to maintain their catches.
Currently, the high prices make up for the lost quantity, but they expected the situation to
deteriorate further in the future (21%).

15.9 Synthesis

The political situation in Hutumuri is a typical example of confusion caused by the introduction
of the new formal village structure. The village government faces the dilemma of whether to
govern the village according to traditional
adat, or through the formal laws. As they see it, the
adat law acknowledges the traditional social structures, clan relations and the function of adat
institutions like kapitan, kepala soa and raja. The new national law, on the other hand, emphasizes
the importance of institutional structures like the LMD and the LKMD.

If Hutumuri follows the national law and establish the official units under the Municipality
of Ambon, the
adat institutions would become redundant. But the villagers believe that only
adat laws are practiced correctly, the village will be prosperous, so they object to the
abolishment of
adat institutions. Therefore, the formation of the LMD in Hutumuri would
actually be only to accommodate the government regulations.

The current village head owes his position to the new government structure because he is not
from the traditional
raja line and, therefore, not legitimate in the eyes of the villagers. His
lack of management skills and failure to install active government and enforcement institutions
have further undermined his position.

These issues have become critical now that the environmental situation, and therewith the well-
being of the villagers, are deteriorating. The fishers in Hutumuri-Toisapu are educated, aware and
more critical than in most other villages. The fishers love their profession - “it is in our blood” - and
they see their livelihood threatened by industrial activities and large-scale fishing. The idea that it is
the outsiders who benefit from their resources is strongly rooted in the fishers’ heads.

210 An Institutional Analysis of Sasi Laut in Maluku, Indonesia

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