The economic doctrines in the wine trade and wine production sectors: the case of Bastiat and the Port wine sector: 1850-1908


Arquivo Historico da Assembleia da Republica:

Diario da Câmara dos Senhores Deputados (1822-1910)

Diario da Câmara dos Dignos Pares do Reino(1842-1910);

Secçao I and II: maços 37, 44, 208, 209;

Secçao VI: caixa 2;

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (ANTT):

Ministério das Obras Publicas Comércio e Industia: mç. 1008;

Ministério do Reino:


O Comércio do Porto32

September 7, 1857; February 20, 1858; January 5, 1859; April 12, 1859; April 27, 1859; May
26 1859; June 19 1859; September 22 1859; October 28 1859; November 7, 1859; November
8, 1859; November 12, 1859; December 6, 1860; January 2, 1861; January 24, 1861;
February 28, 1861; August 30, 1861; February 1, 1864; April 23, 1864; August 11, 1864;
May 4, 1866; September 10, 1867; October 30, 1867; October 8, 1868; December 6, 1868;
December 10, 1868; August 23, 1869; April 12, 1874; January 18, 1884; July 15, 1886;
January 15, 1889; January 11, 1893; February 23, 1893; January 9, 1894; January 15, 1896;
March 30, 1900;

O Comércio do Porto - Mensal33

Various numbers from 1919 to 1930


Almodovar, Antonio (1995): A institucionalizaçao da economiapoihica classicaem

Portugal. Porto: Afrontamento

Almodovar, Antonio (2001): Dicionario histôrico de economistasportugueses. Lisboa:
Temas e Debates

Almodovar, Antonio and José Lrns Cardoso (1998): A History of Portuguese Economic
. Londres: Routledge

32 Daily newspaper giving informations for merchants and industrialists.

33 Monthly newspaper giving summaries of the wine trade with data on previous decades.


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