Then, the firm f profits are
π = ∑ (ws - μ^3s(p)+ Σ2 f
s∈Gf sEGf
= Σ2 (w≡- ^s)ʤ(p)+ 52 (pj - w - ci)¾(p)- Σ2 Fj - 22 π
s∈Gf j=l,..,J j⅛Gf r=l,.,R
Since, producers fix the fixed fees given the ones of other producers, we have that under resale
price maintenance :
max ∏ |
^ m max Σ2 (ws - μs)ss(p) + 52 (Pj - wj - cj)Sj(p) ^ max 5 (Ps - μs)βs(p) + 5J (Ps - Ws - Cs')βs(p') |
and with no resale price maintenance
max ∏
& m max 52 (w - ps)ss(P) + 52 (Pj - w - cj)sj(P)
( Wi к ∙cr, ‘ ‘ *
w i Gf sQGf j=l,..,J
maχ V (ps - μs)ss(p) + V (ps - W - cs')ss{p)
W«G, sCGf syGf
Then the first order conditions of the different two part tariffs models can be derived very simply.
7.3 First stage estimation
Dependent variable : pj-t |
Coefficient Std. Error | |
Wage index |
0.0037 |
0.0008 |
Plastic price |
-0.0003 |
0.0008 |
Diesel oil price |
0.0007 |
0.0004 |
λb(yyλr(7∙) are not shown | ||
N |
728” | |
^- ~ |
__________0.98 |
Table 7 : First stage regression OLS regression of prices
7.4 Additional formula for the demand model (not for publication)
Remind that the average choice probability of buying j at period t is :
1 ⅝ ⅝N
N 2^l=ι P'jt
1 v^ʌ' [
N 5 √ ■ ι I Fijt(ai)f {,ai)dai
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