1987-1993 |
1994-1999 | |
Labour market and |
Economic activity of 16-19 |
Slight increase in economic |
The effects of |
Introduction of GCSE has a Slight increase in No noticeable effect of NVQs |
Slowing of GCSE attainment Slowdown in participation GNVQ largely replaces other Slight impact of NVQs on |
Higher education |
Expansion of higher |
Higher education |
Work -based route |
Work-based route remains |
Attention is beginning to |
Culture of participation and |
Staying-on culture begins to |
Emerging evidence of |
In view of the existence of a ‘slowdown period’ the Government will have to decide how it will
provide the demand for higher education previously built on increased participation and
attainment by 16-19 year olds. Will it seek to reform 14-19 education and training so that more
students can attain advanced level qualifications, or will it look to adults for the desired growth in
higher education application? The next section of the paper considers a range of possible options
open to the Government by analysing the potential for growth in participation, attainment and
progression in five routes to higher education.