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Ranking Fiscal Policy Rules: The Golden Rule of Public
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Do we really need a Stability and Growth pact for EMU?

Towards an Intelligent Stability and Growth Pact

The End of the Stability and Growth Pact?

Why Did the Stability and Growth Pact Fail?

The Future of the SGP as a Tool for Economic Policy


Economic Policy Coordination in EMU: Accomplishments
and Challenges

Improving the Stability and Growth Pact: The Commission's
three Pillar Approach

Institutions for Fiscal Stability

What To Do with the Stability Pact

The Stability Pact: More Than a Minor Nuisance?

Break it, Don't fix it!

Stability and Growth in Europe: Towards a Better Pact

The Peaks and Troughs of the Stability and Growth Pact

The Stability and Growth Pact and Monetary Policy

Stability without Pact? Lessons from the European Gold

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The Framework for Fiscal Policy in the EU: What Future
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