Critical Race Theory and Education: Racism and antiracism in educational theory and praxis David Gillborn*

Figure 1 about here

Critical Race Theory: A conceptual map

Defining elements

racism as endemic... ‘normal’ not aberrant nor rare: deeply ingrained legally and

crosses epistemological boundaries;

critique of civil rights laws as fundamentally limited;

critique of liberalism: claims of neutrality, objectivity, colour-blindness, and meritocracy
as camouflages;

call to context: challenges ahistoricism and recognizes experiential knowledge of people
of colour.

Conceptual tools

story-telling and counter-stories;

interest convergence;

critical white studies.

Figure 1: Critical Race Theory: A conceptual map

CRT: Some conceptual and methodological tools

It is highly significant that CRT scholars have been reticent to identify a set of
unchanging theoretical tenets and would rather talk of “basic insights” (Delgado &
Stefancic, 2000) or “defining elements” (Tate, 1997). This reflects CRT’s recognition
of the changing and complex character of race/racism and its opposition in
contemporary society. Nevertheless, as CRT grows, so the range and sophistication of
its conceptual toolbox becomes a little clearer. In particular, concepts which have, in
the past, been seen as definitively “CRT” in nature, may now be viewed as tools
rather than defining tenets. These are lines of analysis that often appear centrally in
CRT treatments but whose presence does not necessarily signify a conscious appeal to

Storytelling and counter-storytelling

A particularly striking aspect of some CRT is the use of storytelling and counter-
storytelling. Here myths, assumptions and received wisdoms can be questioned by
shifting the grounds of debate or presenting analyses in ways that turn dominant
assumptions on their head. Of course, auto/biography and the use of narrative have
long characterized many minoritized cultures. At their best, CRT approaches serve to


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