(a) 2 or more years after agoa
(b) 3 or more years after agoa
(c) 4 or more years after agoa
(d) 5 or more years after agoa
(e) 6 or more years after agoa
(f) 7 years after agoa
(g) 8 years after agoa
Figure 5: Precision vs. coefficient based on number of years after agoa
4 Results
Random Effects Meta-Analysis
In the analysis presented we excluded Mueller (2008) since it reported one coefficient and its inclusion did
affect results of the various MRAs. In addition, the coefficients from the first table of Tadesse, et al (2008)
were included in the analysis. The remaining tables in their paper reported similar (and in many case
the same) coefficients in Tadesse and Fayissa (2008). In two studies (Nouve and Staatz, 2003, Seyoum,
2007) probability values were reported instead of t-statistics or standard errors. Hence, the inverse of the
t-distribution was used to recover the t-statistics—the distribution of these imputed statistics are presented