5.1. Partial Derivatives of (2.12a, b)

Taking the total derivatives of (2.11) and (2.10b), we obtain the expressions for the partial
derivatives of durable consumption and work e
ffort with respect to the model’s state and
costate variables:

Cα-1,     Cμ — -Cφ jJcc + jscs'(1)/(c + ɑɔ - UsS,(1)/(C + ɑɔ2]   0,


∂l   -F1   > 0     ∂l~ _  μFkl


∂μ   у '' + μFu    ,    ∂k    V '' + μFu

5.2. Solution for (φ, a, μ, k) in the Variable-Employment Economy

The general stable solution to the differential equation system (2.15) is represented by the
following expressions:

φφ + A1eω1t + A2eω2t                          (A2a)

a — k + B1eω1 + B2eω2t                        (A2b)

μ μ + C1eω1t + C2eω2t                         (A2c)

k k + D1eω11 + D2eω2t                         (A2d)

where Aj, Bj, Cj and Dj,i — 1, 2 are constants (eigenvectors) corresponding to the stable
ωι and ω2 and φφ, a, k, kj are the long-run solutions calculated from (2.14a)-
(2.14d). Since only two of these constant are independent, the
first step in obtaining the
complete solution is to solve
Aj, Bj, Cj in terms of Dj, i — 1, 2. Using (2.15), (A2a)-(A2d)
and letting
x — (Aj, Bj, Cj, Dj)', these relationships are calculated from following the


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