employment, we calculate an instantaneous consumption function c = c (a, μ, φ) from
(A5a), which possesses the same partial derivatives stated above in (Ala).
The equilibrium dynamics of the fixed employment model then equals:
_4 .
φ = (l + β + δ) φ — μ,
a = c (a, μ, φ) — δa,
μ = μ[β — f '(к)]
к = f (к) — c(a,μ, φ~).
Letting φ = à = μ = к = 0, the long-run equilibrium equals
U [(ι + δ)α, s (l)] + u [(l+ ,δra,s (l)] g,(l)
(l + δ)a
, _ _ч -`
= (β + δ)φ,
f ' (a) = β
f (a) = δa,
where c = δa and μ = (l + β + δ) φ. Linearizing (A6a)-(A6d) about the steady-state
equilibrium described by (A7a)-(A7c), we obtain the following matrix differential equation:
z = Jz =