time framework, the stock of consumer durables corresponds to:
- -∞
eδ(τ t)c(τ )rfιτ
and accumulates according to:
a = c — δa
where δ is the rate of depreciation of consumer durables.7 We specify that each agent pos-
sesses the following general instantaneous utility function over own durable consumption,
c + a, and status, s, and work effort I:
U (c + a,s) + V (Z),
where U and V have the following properties:
Uc > 0, Us > 0, Ucc < 0, Uss ≤ 0, UccUss — U7cs ≥ 0, V' < 0, V'' < 0,
UscUc — UsUcc > 0,
lim Uc(c, s) = ∞, lim Uc(c, s) = 0.
c→0 c→∞
According to (2.3a), the representative agent derives positive, though diminishing, mar-
ginal utility from own consumption and positive and non-increasing marginal utility from
status, with the instantaneous utility function U jointly concave in c and s.8 In addition,
work effort generates disutility and V is concave. The condition (2.3b) imposes normality
on preferences, i.e., the marginal rate of substitution of status for consumption, Us∣Uc, de-
7This specification of durable consumption is found in Mansoorian (1998, 2000).
8We use the following notational conventions. In general, we suppress a variable’s time dependence,
i.e., x ≡ x(t). The time derivative of x will be denoted by x; a steady-state value by x. Unless otherwise
indicated, the partial derivative of a function F with respect to x will be denoted by Fx, while “primes”
indicate that the derivative of a function of a single variable is being taken.
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