On s-additive robust representation of convex risk measures for unbounded financial positions in the presence of uncertainty about the market model

representable by a probability content if there is some probability content Q such that every X X is
integrable w.r.t. Q and Λ(
X) = EQ [X].

If X is a Stonean vector lattice, then X Y = min{X, Y }, X Y = max{X, Y } X for X, Y X in particular
X+ := X 0, X- := (-X) 0 X for any X X. In this case, if all linear forms from the domain of βρ are
representable by probability contents, then
ρ is concentrated on the bounded positions, and as a consequence ρ
admits a robust representation by probability measures if its restriction to the bounded positions does so.

Lemma 6.5 Let X be a Stonean vector lattice, and let every linear form Λ βρ-1 (R) be representable by some
probability content
Q on σ(X). Then we can state:

.1 The sequence ρ(X+ - (X- n)) n converges to ρ(X) for every X X.

.2 The sequence ρ((X m) - Y ) m converges to ρ(X - Y ) for nonnegative X, Y X, Y being bounded.

.3 inf{ρ((X+ m) (X- n)) ρ(X) m, n N} = 0 for X X, and in addition

sup (-EQ [X] - ρ(X)) = sup (-EQ [X] - ρ(X))
XX                   XXb

for every probability content Q on σ(X) such that each X X is integrable w.r.t. Q .

.4 If M αρ-1 (R) with ρ(X) = sup (EQ [X] αρ(Q)) for all bounded X X, then


ρ(X) = sup (EQ [X] αρ (Q)) for all X X.



The most important tool of the proof is Greco’s representation theorem. The reader is kindly referred to [14]
(Theorem 2.10 with Remark 2.3).

Since any Λ βρ-1 (R) is representable by a probability content, statement .2 follows immediately from Greco’s
representation theorem and Lemma 6.4.

proof of .1:

Let X X, and let ε > 0. Then there exists some probability content Q with βρ(EQ |X) such that the
ρ(X) ε < EQ [X+] βρ(EQ |X) + EQ [X-] holds. Application of Greco’s representation theorem leads
then to

ρ(X) — ε< -Eq[X+] βρ(EQX)+limEq[X- n] limρ(X+ (X- n)) ρ(X)

proof of .3:

Let Q be a probability content on σ(X) such that every X X is integrable w.r.t. Q, and let X X. Then for
ε > 0 we may choose by statement .1 and Greco’s representation theorem some n N with

— Eq [X] ρ(X) '—Eq [X+ (X- n)] ρ(X+ (X- n))´ < ɪ


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