Getting the practical teaching element right: A guide for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher educators

Getting the practical teaching element right

Appendix 1

Examples of job descriptions
for teaching practice mentors

A number of development projects have provided outline specifications for
teaching practice mentors.

Example 1 (from Talent, London - see

Roles and responsibilities of teaching practice placement tutors

• To inform trainees about learners' basic skills learning needs, eg pace of teaching,
learning goals, additional learning needs

• To negotiate realistic learner/trainee contact hours

• To liaise with and give feedback to the lead body/course co-ordinator

• To create a phased approach for teaching practice, ie starting with observing the
group, leading to whole-group teaching

• To model teaching methodology to the trainee

• To know the teaching practice requirements of the course in terms of placement hours
and observation schedule

• To have an overview of the teacher training course assignment/coursework

• To support the trainee with scheme of work writing

• To support the trainee with lesson planning

• To offer constructive feedback and comments on teaching, orally and informally

• To keep an overview of the syllabus and accreditation goals for the students

• To maintain responsibility for the class during the lessons

• To liaise with the trainee teacher's course tutors

• To invite the trainee teacher to course team meetings as an observer (when

• To provide the trainee with information about the course, the learners and the
organisation, while maintaining confidentiality

• To carry out formal observations if required (eg for City and Guilds Level 4 stages 1
and 2)


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