The name is absent

Now we state our solution concept.

Definition 2: Given a market game (U ( ),S ) , (x ,x ) with x =
-------------------- i i iI 1 iI

У x , x S i I is said to be a Nash Equilibrium (N.E.) if Vi I
iI i i i

U (x , X ) ≥ U (x , X -X + X ) Vx S
i ɪ                          i i                       i i i i

Now we state and discuss our main assumptions.

Assumption 1: U ( ) G Vi I.
--------------------------------------- ɪ


Notice that under Assumption 1 (A.l in what follows) if ×ι ∈ int. sɪ the
necessary condition of a N.E. reads as follows:

∂U (x*, x*)

—!—i--= 0       VieI.


∂U (x*, x*)
i i
----------------- +


Let us define

( x ,x)          ∂U ( x ,x)

i                                      i i

------- + --------------

X              ∂x


Let N be the set of active agents (i.e. those for which x* ∈ int. sɪ in a
N.E. with n players). N+l is defined accordingly. We will assume that N n N+l
≠ 0, i.e. at least one player is active in N.E. with n and n+1 agents

Assumption 2: T (x , x) is strictly decreasing on x and x VieI.
----------------------------------------- i i                                                                                       i


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