chose that word?
Now I wonder if you could tell me, of all the different rooms that you had as a child (OR
of those two rooms, the bedroom and living room), which did you like the best, and why?
What did you like less about the other room(s)?
When you spent time in your room as a young child, what would you do in there?
[What do you remember about moving house as a child?] Was there ever a time when
your bedroom was redecorated? Or any big changes, new things in it or things being
moved around? Did you ever want to change anything about your room?
Can you remember being in your room when there was a storm? Where in the room were
you? What did it look like?
Were there any other rooms that you liked to spend time in when you were a young child?
Now I'd like to ask you about your room (where you live/as it is) now. What is it like?
What do you think of it?
If you could change three things about the room you have now, what would they be?