Computing optimal sampling designs for two-stage studies


Stata Technical Bulletin


Changes to dfgls

dfgls did not handle missing initial values properly. That is, if the time series variable specified had initial values not
excluded by if or in conditions, those values were improperly considered in the construction of the sample size. This would
apply as well to the consideration of variables with time series operators, such as D.gdp, since those variables will have at least
one missing observation at the outset. This has been corrected.

The dfgls routine has been enhanced to add a very powerful lag selection criterion, the “modified AIC” (MAIC) criterion
proposed by Ng and Perron (2000). They have established that use of this
MAIC criterion may provide “huge size improvements”
in the dfgls test. The criterion, indicating the appropriate lag order, is printed on dfgls output and may be used to select the
test statistic from which inference is to be drawn.

It should be noted that all of the lag length criteria employed by dfgls (the sequential t test of Ng and Perron 1995, the
SC, and the MAIC) are calculated, for various lags, by holding the sample size fixed at that defined for the longest lag. These
criteria cannot be meaningfully compared over lag lengths if the underlying sample is altered to use all available observations.
That said, if the optimal lag length (by whatever criterion) is found to be much less than that picked by the Schwert criterion, it
would be advisable to rerun the test with the maxlag option specifying that optimal lag length, especially when using samples
of modest size.

New syntax for kpss

kpss varname [if exp [in range [, maxlag(#) notrend qs auto ]

kpss did not make use of all available observations in the computation of the autocovariance function. This has been
corrected. The online help file now provides instructions for reproducing the statistics reported in Kwiatkowski et al. (1992)
from a dataset available online.

The kpss routine has been enhanced to add two options recommended by the work of Hobijn et al. (1998). An automatic
bandwidth selection routine has been added, rendering it unnecessary to evaluate a range of test statistics for various lags. An
option to weight the empirical autocovariance function by the quadratic spectral kernel, rather than the Bartlett kernel employed
KPSS, has also been introduced. These options may be used separately or in combination. It is in combination that Hobijn et
al. found the greatest improvement in the test: “Our Monte Carlo simulations show that the best small sample results of the test
in case the process exhibits a high degree of persistence are obtained using both the automatic bandwidth selection procedure
and the Quadratic Spectral kernel” (1998, 14).

New options

qs specifies that the autocovariance function is to be weighted by the quadratic spectral kernel, rather than the Bartlett kernel.
Andrews (1991) and Newey and West (1994) “indicate that it yields more accurate estimates of
<p than other kernels in
finite samples” (Hobijn et al. 1998, 6).

auto specifies that the automatic bandwidth selection procedure proposed by Newey and West (1994), as described by Hobijn
et al. (1998, 7), is used to determine maxlag in two stages. First, the “a priori nonstochastic bandwidth parameter”
∏τ is
chosen as a function of the sample size and the specified kernel. The autocovariance function of the estimated residuals
is calculated and used to generate 7 as a function of sums of autocorrelations. The maxlag to be used in computing the
long-run variance,
mτ, is then calculated as min [T,int [∕7'6[[ where θ = 1/3 for the Bartlett kernel and θ = 1/5 for the
quadratic spectral kernel.

Additional saved results

dfgls saves the modified AIC at lag n in r(maicn).


Andrews, D. W. K. 1991. Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation. Econometrica 59: 817-858.

Baum, C. F. 2000. sts15: Test for stationarity of a time series. Stata Technical Bulletin 57: 36-39.

Hobijn, B., P. H. Franses, and M. Ooms. 1998. Generalizations of the KPSS-test for stationarity. Econometric Institute Report 9802/A, Econometric
Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Kwiatkowski, D., P. C. B. Phillips, P. Schmidt, and Y. Shin. 1992. Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root:
How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root?
Journal of Econometrics 54: 159-178.

Newey, W. K. and K. D. West. 1994. Automatic lag selection in covariance matrix estimation. Review of Economic Studies 61: 631-653.

Ng, S. and P. Perron. 1995. Unit root tests in ARMA models with data-dependent methods for the selection of the truncation lag. Journal of the
American Statistical Association
90: 268-281.

——. 2000. Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica, in press.

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