40 Interventions for HCHHHU: technical report
H.7 Do the authors report on all variables they aimed to study as specified in their
aims/research questions?
This excludes variables just used to describe the sample.
H.7.1 Yes (please specify)
H.7.2 No
H.8 What do the author(s) conclude about the findings of the study?
Please give details and refer to page numbers in the H.8.1 Details
report of the study, where necessary.
Section I: Quality of the study - Methods and data
I.1 Are there ethical concerns about the way the study was done?
Consider consent, funding, privacy, etc.
I.1.1 Yes, some concerns (please specify)
I.1.2 No concerns
I.2 Were participants in the study adequately involved in the design of the study
I.2.1 Yes (a lot)
I.2.2 Yes (a little)
I.2.3 No
I.3 What is the quality of the study according to the Maryland Scale?
Level 1
Single group single point (post-test only or correlational
Level 2
Single group pre & post test OR
Non equivalent control group (with no adjustment in
Level 3
Cluster randomised trial with only 1 cluster in each arm
Non -random cluster OR
Non equivalent control group pre and post test design
where outcome = change in pre test /post score (with no
other adjustment in analysis)
Level 4
Non Random controlled trial where groups are
demonstrated to be equivalent on important variables
(includes studies where post-hoc analysis used to create
equivalent groups e.g. Path analysis or Structural
Equations modelling
Level 5
Randomised Controlled trial with cluster or individual
I.3.1 Level 1
I.3.2 Level 2
I.3.3 Level 3
I.3.4 Level 4
I.3.5 Level 5