The name is absent

Appendix 2.3 Framework for assessing
Weight of Evidence B

Maryland Scale score


Level 5

Randomised controlled trial with cluster or individual
allocation of multiple individuals/clusters into groups.


Level 3

Cluster randomised trial with only one cluster in each
arm OR non-random cluster OR non-equivalent control
group pre and post test design where outcome = change
in pre/post-test score (with no other adjustment in

Level 4

Non-random controlled trial where groups are
demonstrated to be equivalent on important variables
(includes studies where post-hoc analysis used to create
equivalent groups e.g. path analysis or structural
equations modelling adjustment in analysis)


Level 2

Single group pre- and post- test OR non-equivalent
control group (with no adjustment in analysis)

Level 1

Single group single point (post-test only or correlational



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