The name is absent

42 Interventions for HCHHHU: technical report

Section J: Economic analysis Quality Assessment

J.1 Were all important costs and /or benefits identified

J.1.1 High (Yes all)

J.1.2 Medium (Most but not all)

J.1.3 Low (minimal)

Likely to lead to serious deficiencies in estimates

J.2 Was measurement of costs and benefits sufficiently accurate

J.2.1 High

Source data credible & appropriate

Imputation of financial values for non cash costs

J.2.2 Medium

Some doubts about sources of financial estimates and or
process of deriving cash values

J.2.3 Low

Sources of finance data lack credibility and/or process
of deriving cash values likely to lead to systematic bias
(over or under estimates )

J.3 Was appropriate adjustment made for differential timing

J.3.1 High

Not applicable or appropriate adjustments made

J.3.2 Medium

Some adjustments made but not on all costs/ benefits

J.3.3 Low

No adjustments made when were required leading to
bias in financial estimates (over or under estimating)

J.4 Was appropriate sensitivity analysis undertaken

J.4.1 High

Sensitivity analysis on all key costs/ benefits estimates

J.4.2 Medium

Sensitivity analysis undertaken for some estimates

Estimates given with confidence intervals

J.4.3 Low

No sensitivity analysis undertaken

J.5 Overall rating for quality of economic analysis

Should reflect answers to questions above

J.5.1 High

J.5.2 Medium

J.5.3 Low

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