The name is absent

Appendix 2.2 Coding framework 41

I.4 Weight of evidence - A: Taking account of all quality assessment issues, can the study findings
be trusted in answering the study question(s)?

In some studies it is difficult to distinguish between
the findings of the study and the conclusions. In those
cases, please code the trustworthiness of this combined

Consider your answers to questions F9, F13, F14, F15,
F17, H3 & H4

I.4.1 High trustworthiness (please specify)

I.4.2 Medium trustworthiness (please specify)

I.4.3 Low trustworthiness (please specify)

I.5 Have sufficient attempts been made to justify the conclusions drawn from the findings so that
the conclusions are trustworthy?

I.5.1 Not applicable (results and conclusions inseparable)

I.5.2 High trustworthiness

I.5.3 Medium trustworthiness

I.5.4 Low trustworthiness

I.6 In light of the above, do the reviewers differ from the authors over the findings or conclusions
of the study?

Please state what any difference is.

I.6.1 Not applicable (no difference in conclusions)

I.6.2 Yes (please specify)

I.7 Weight of evidence B: Appropriateness of research design and analysis for addressing the
question, or sub-questions, of this specific systematic review.

Please specify basis for this judgement.

I.7.1 High

Maryland Scale score = 5

I.7.2 Medium

Maryland scale score = 3 & 4

I.7.3 Low

Maryland Scale Score = 1 or 2

I.8 Weight of evidence C: Relevance of particular focus of the study (including conceptual focus,
context, sample and measures) for addressing the question or sub-questions of this specific
systematic review.

This question is about the relevance of the study to the
in-depth review question.

Take into account your answers in Section D (i.e.
information about the coordination/ integration effort)
and question E9 (the HCHHHU)

Studies where little information is provided to answer
these questions and/or coordination/ integration is only
a small part of the study should be graded lower

I.8.1 High

I.8.2 Medium

I.8.3 Low

I.9 Weight of evidence D: Taking into account your answers to Weight of Evidence A, B, & C, what
is the overall weight of evidence this study provides to answer the question of this specific
systematic review?

Overall Weight of Evidence D =

WOE A + WOE B + WOE C/ 3

Where High = 3, Medium = 2, Low = 1

Except that WOE D cannot be higher than Weight of
Evidence B

I.9.1 High

I.9.2 Medium

I.9.3 Low

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