School В ЗО .10.81 P2 ail
El The video session we all enjoyed it, but we
were behaving just like children - giggling,
pʊɪɪing faces, sticking our tongues out.
Would you feel confident to use it with kids?
I'd certainly have a go at it. One of the
IV years has written a play and he would like
to video it ..... so I think I'll mention
it to him. I think it's worthwhile having
someone to show you how to use it.
..... Be nice to think of
explaining a proble;
a group
seen it
of kids
used in
science that way ..... at the end you had
a piece of communication about that experiment.
In the third extract
students are involved in an active exercise
of planning a secondary school curriculum.
iii School C 23.10.81 P3∕4 aiii
Eng But it's too abstract and specialised ..... by the
time they tell you it connects it's too late - I think
somehow you've got to integrate.
on my thing I’ve sort of integrated
everything. - social studies, arts, science are all
integrated together - it's terribly idealistic.
(Several people - 'how do you do it?')
Well you don’t sort of think,
mix History and
Geography and mix RE and Maths - (it’s listening to
a visiting speaker in Social Studies Method yesterday
that's done it). You just pick an issue or a project
or something and bring
Social and scientific and
History, Geography, Religion,
artistic aspects of it.
In the first two extracts the tutors are responding to what they
know of courses in the Institute. In the third extract a student
is working with ideas presented in her method course that on reception
seemed obscure - exciting and challenging perhaps - but not applic-
able to her personal practice. Here in the school group the task
of organising a school curriculum provides the opportunity to try