The name is absent


School В 30.10.81 P8 biv P8∕9 bv


We ’ 11

to the APU

(Assessment of Per-

formance Unit)

(Lawton 1980)



but where are we - what you’ve shown is

that within all the subjects we’re involved
in there’s a remaking of the subjects going
on, of new learning in the subjects itself

- (gives examples from Maths, English, Social

Studies) - there’s that dynamic, then the





meeting the

of the all ability school in a multi-

cultural society - not the same dynamic
- but the larger social objective but that’s
what we’re working with within our own
particular subjects throughout the year

..... not just thinking about remaking the
subject because of new knowledge in Mathe-

matices but how it can be
the needs - so the issues you’re raising

remade to meet

are pedagogical issues....


..... At


talking about

SMILE through to the V year and

the point there is you have to think about
the exams and whether SMILE is really geared

to that - which when I come onto the curri-

thing is very

important because for



way they teach has

the exam

they teach and the
got this determinant
system that controls.

I think you’ll find that in your own

departments when








What about Humanities and exams?

Tutor You need to look at history of your own
subjects but as you do that you have a
history that is partly your own subject
but partly slides imperceptibly into the
history of education in general - because
behind the history of our own subjects is
who creates subjects anyway and there’s
a sense in which you can say there’s an
exam system which articulates that subject
and sometimes in over cynical moods you
kind of end with just that - Humanities
of course has arrived by a different process

These extracts

illustrate the way in which school group work relates

to and draws upon the concerns of the different subjects represented

in the group.





and draws

its strength

More intriguing information

1. The economic doctrines in the wine trade and wine production sectors: the case of Bastiat and the Port wine sector: 1850-1908
2. Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis
3. Errors in recorded security prices and the turn-of-the year effect
4. The name is absent
5. GENE EXPRESSION AND ITS DISCONTENTS Developmental disorders as dysfunctions of epigenetic cognition
6. The name is absent
7. Optimal Rent Extraction in Pre-Industrial England and France – Default Risk and Monitoring Costs
8. On the Existence of the Moments of the Asymptotic Trace Statistic
9. The name is absent
10. sycnoιogιcaι spaces
11. Towards Learning Affective Body Gesture
12. Private tutoring at transition points in the English education system: its nature, extent and purpose
13. The Impact of Hosting a Major Sport Event on the South African Economy
14. The Economic Value of Basin Protection to Improve the Quality and Reliability of Potable Water Supply: Some Evidence from Ecuador
15. Testing for One-Factor Models versus Stochastic Volatility Models
16. Demand Potential for Goat Meat in Southern States: Empirical Evidence from a Multi-State Goat Meat Consumer Survey
17. The name is absent
18. The Functions of Postpartum Depression
19. Recognizability of Individual Creative Style Within and Across Domains: Preliminary Studies
20. What Drives the Productive Efficiency of a Firm?: The Importance of Industry, Location, R&D, and Size