The name is absent


School A 6.11.81




We were talking in the meeting ..... and

the Head of Department seemed to stress

that they were one of the first schools

in London
through -

do mixed ability maths right

she said and I quoted her in that

paper - that they started work cards in
*71 - started on their own individualised
scheme before SMILE.

One of the things they said they couldn’t
go back to an ordinary scheme after 3 years
in mixed ability.

I wonder
the Head

if it would be worthwhile asking

of Maths

in next

- now that

you’ve done all the slogging to see if they
feel justified in being the only subject
in the school that keeps mixed ability
right through. Then we could involve our
own views on mixed ability to compare them
with the maths view. Would that be a useful


School A 16.10.81  P2∕3 cii



..... Are you getting a bit clearer about

the way in which the work you’re doing now


to the Report - the document places

a lot of stress on this and we see the Report

as part and parcel of what you do from the

beginning - and now you’ve got your diaries

so you’re actually starting.

It’s useful because if you write it up in

the evening you remember things that


happened that you'd have forgotten in four

weeks time


I find once I’ve written it in the diary


an emotional input and I would


it quite hard now to write it again in


If the possibility exists for opinions to be reversed early ideas
challenged or observations re-interpreted then there is much less
anxiety for both students and tutors about what constitutes appro-
priate knowledge at a particular point in time. Practical school
basedexperience provides one base for professional knowledge and

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