Res Health and Welfare would encourage you to
Tutor have that environmental dimension and spread
it further than one school - that would fit
- the boys∕girls split is very interesting
- what constitutes a troublesome girl and
what constitute a troublesome boy.
Eng There are schools in ILEA where people don’t
just have responsibility for girls but for
taking care that sexism doesn’t operate in
an unconscious way ..... but they don't seem
to want to have a political approach to sexism
or to want to handle it.
SSl When you say they .....
Eng The Administration .....
My thoughts on Health and Welfare fit in
- perhaps SS2 and I are like different chap-
ters of the same book - last term I was
thinking about the different teachers’ percep-
tions and the sort of reinforcing thing of
say ’3D’s a ghastly class’ or X’s a ghastly
child and then the other view when someone
says *0h, I think he’s marvellous’ 'I never
have any trouble with him’ sort of thing
- the perception bit - sorry to use X but
any child who has been in trouble ..... it's
who speaks well
of them but I have heard other teachers
speaking well of children who do seem on
the whole to be criticised.
Would you be looking at how he responds to
different teachers, different subjects, the
peer group on how many levels
SSl A bit to do with style - I think that’s where
I’d start but you never know where you'll
finish up do you?
What students have observed are differences in the way pupils are
seen and treated. They relate this to their response both as indiv-
iduals and in classes. When SSl suggests that teacher style is her
focus it is quite likely that in trying to understand the style of
others students are learning for and about themselves. This is
where models are important not merely to approve or disapprove of
but to understand and to apppreciate how curriculum and organisation