The name is absent


when those two groups met together, but it is a student who pinpoints
an essential aspect of the official view which has directly influ-
enced practice. Knowledge and awareness of the implications of
policy is intimately related to practice for as SS2 suggests even
when problems are acknowledged the jump from self awareness to consis-
tent staff practices is neither easy nor natural. In the next
extract she takes up the comparison and applies it to a group she
taught on her first teaching practice.

School A 15.1.82 P⅛ bi


Actually what you

ferent way that



were saying about the dif-
Children might behave in
of a Community Care class

that you (Res. Tutor)





Teaching Practice. They were girls thought

of as difficult girls whom they might

to exclude from their school - and yet

behaved very differently

sure in


context of the college with a teacher who


a real

status .....

This student opted to spend her second block teaching practice

entirely in school, hoping to gain a fuller understanding of pupils

in school and she∕that understanding as a pre-requisite for working
with students in the Further Education setting which she finally
chose to do. Gaps in student knowledge can sometimes be filled in

by experience made available by other students or by that in conjunc-



informed staff which is what was

proposed in relation to VI form work above.

Other questions

require informaticn of a different

kind and in the next extracts pos-

sibilities are discussed. The topic is the treatment and response

of girls in the school.

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