The name is absent




I think it’s an advantage - there’s a hope
of getting to know the children, only 66θ
- I’ve noticed - I’ve observed teachers who
seem to know a lot of children by name -
whether or not they teach them they still
know them. The disadvantage for children
may be the choice of subjects but sharing
with D, another school, seems to have helped
a bit (D - a nearby school with whom some
VI form courses are shared).

Is that something you've asked about - the
choices they have, or is it something we
ought to look at.


I think we should for





the head of VI form,

my experiences in a

VI form is so completely different.


I’d like to see a VI form because I don’t

teach any at all.


Yes, now does anyone take a VI form .....


I’ve got this City and Guilds Course and
A level English.

CSE retakes .....


ture then we can look at each subject - apart

from RE - bring in syllabus

Eng Can we look at the relatinship with D because
it’s not only in the VI form.


I think it’s to do with all the re-organis-


in the Division future


because all secondary schools

are going to

have to look at their roles.



We mentioned

last term that School A share

with School D and School E the facilities

of the offsite unit but I don't know how

far this has gone and what

their policy is

- in the early days it was

’rumoured *


School A

didn't have such troublesome child

ren .....

SS2 Apparently at the inspection it was recom-
mended that they should set up a unit at
the school.

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