The name is absent



The second term - before teachin


At the beginning of the

in the Institute where

second term the students spend four weeks

Alternative Course students continue

beginning of the first term.

to spend one day a week in school. From this period three school
group discussions in the Institute were analysed. The groups spent
the first part of the morning in their own group with their school
group tutor and in the second part they joined with another school
group. The topics which had been planned at the end of the first

term were mixed ability teaching, multi-cultural education and auth-

ority and control. On the fourth morning there was joint group work

for the whole morning when the groups were joined by past students
who contributed to discussions about the relationship of the PGCE
and the probationary year, teacher education and early experience

of teaching.

This session was not recorded as one similar in focus

has been recorded in School


Research Group discussions suggested that these early weeks at the
beginning of the second term were not easy ones for the students.
They were increasingly conscious of the demands of the coming
teaching practice, now able to relate them to the experience of the
first teaching practice. They were aware of underlying and sometimes
intractable issues affecting their teaching and were concerned about

the role of assessment.

The balance


the course was


was the possibility of its attending to

their key concerns.

was in response to repeated experience

of such factors that a course

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