The name is absent


structure was evolved to maintain school group identity and yet allow
for wider discussion of pertinent issues by more than one school
group. Four themes are discussed in this section.

Responsive structures

The school is seen as a knowledge base for students but one where
active involvement on their part is required to generate and use
the knowledge. This is related to the students* course work as well
as to the variety of courses they follow in the Institute.   The

student's personal concerns are emphasised as a basis for profes-
sional knowledge .

The nature of pedagogy

The emphasis is placed upon utilising the 'students’ experiences
whether these are individual or common through the school group.
Located as they are within the school such experiences are essent-
ially active and require a special place within the course.

PGCE in process of teacher education

It is suggested that the PGCE course needs to involve itself broadly

with what students bring to the course.

This affects students’

perceptions and use of knowledge about the school.

Schools themselves

vary and this variation is an important source of learning.


course needs to be sensitive to these elements and able to utilise

them for the students’

professional development.

Reflection and theorising

Emphasis is placed upon the level of debate and discussion which
the course provides. Consideration is given to the place of educa-
tional issues within the course. The possible relationship of issues

More intriguing information

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2. The name is absent
4. Education as a Moral Concept
5. The name is absent
6. The name is absent
7. Investment and Interest Rate Policy in the Open Economy
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9. Before and After the Hartz Reforms: The Performance of Active Labour Market Policy in Germany
10. Bridging Micro- and Macro-Analyses of the EU Sugar Program: Methods and Insights
11. The name is absent
12. Personal Experience: A Most Vicious and Limited Circle!? On the Role of Entrepreneurial Experience for Firm Survival
13. Linkages between research, scholarship and teaching in universities in China
14. Effects of a Sport Education Intervention on Students’ Motivational Responses in Physical Education
15. The name is absent
16. Voluntary Teaming and Effort
17. The name is absent
18. Midwest prospects and the new economy
19. Models of Cognition: Neurological possibility does not indicate neurological plausibility.
20. The name is absent