The name is absent


V       School

bi       SS2



vi Tutor


A 15.1.82 P5∕6 bi 6/7 bii

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The Deputy Head is like /Headmistress


school - very



she’s committed to them as

think you

need somebody like

girls - I think
girls - but I
that in a mixed

school to encourage the girls.

Yes, she praises them and knows how they’ve
done .....

Could you follow through a girl and boy -
how might it be arranged.

It’s the only way you’ll ever get into another
teacher’s class when you’ve qualified there
isn’t a chance.

Simply in terms of seeing the different sorts

of atmospheres that children are meeting

and the demands that are being made on them

through a day and through a week is obviously

fascinating and perhaps for one person to

observe , and observe fairly
is going on .....


eticulouslyz what






And difficult pupils .....

Yes, that meshes in and the question you're
beginning to raise now about how the differ-
ent sexes are treated - just on policy I
don’t know whether say in School X there's
someone who is put in charge of the girls.

Someone who’s interested in organisation
could look at that and perhaps compare say
School D and School A and the school they

work with.

I’m interested in that as a component - I’d
just like to reflect for the next two terms
on what we’ve already had.

I’d quite like to - I was going to do some-
thing for my Foundation Option - Health and
Welfare - I thought I'd like to look at
systems of pastoral care - especially looking
at disruptive pupils and the difference
between boys and girls - and the possibility
of different schools - raises interesting
points - it doesn't just have to be a theor-
etical thing - it can partly be a case study
related to the environment.

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