and the possibility of improvement and change is seen to depend upon
regularity of contact between school and Institute staff here, school
groups and visiting tutors.
PGCE in process of teacher education
With the focus upon aspects of the critical issue of gender and edu-
cation it is suggested that students’ personal experience is an
essential element. There is the immediate experience of the school
and the
should be
taken into account
but equally
previous experience.
If the aiι
of such work is changing
practice and discourse then this has to be allowed for in the .mode
of working.
7.1 Responsive structures
a) Role of visiting tutor
Whilst visiting tutors interpret their roles differently and this
relates to personal and institutional factors it is worthwhile isola-
ting features of the role that have been developed in relation to
the Alternative Course. Here tutors have been staff with responsi-
bility at or above the level of Head of Department, and frequently
have been involved in or ɪesp onsible for interdepartmental work in
school. Such experience gives visiting tutors a detailed knowledge
of areas of the school over time and this is as much future oriented
as it is past.
This is important for professional knowledge is as
do with guiding
future actions and policy as it is with
evaluating or explaining
what currently exists.
To understand a
school or a class within it the observer as well as the practitioner