The name is absent


needs to know where it is going
or the nature of such knowledge
tutional concern for openness
between schools.

and where it started from. The level
varies through the school and insti-
between its parts similarly varies

In the Research Group

it was suggested that
students in their school


sire in the position

to obtain and generate knowledge that

may be

different from other members of the

Institution and that to

regard their knowledge as inadequate or faulty is to ignore its
potential both for the student’s own developing professional knowledge
and for the contribution it might make to general professional know-

ledge .

Here the emphasis is put upon using the different views and knowledge

about multi-cultural education that

the students find in their school.

School A 9.2.82 Pl ai

Visiting Right - I thought it might be useful

Tutor instead of my giving a 20 minute talk about
what I think about it to ask you what you've

picked up in
the school to

terms of the relationship of

issues concerned

with multi-

cultural education. Just to give a start
off I think you can view it in a number of
different ways - one way is in terms of the
relationships between the kids from different
cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Another
is the relationship between the staff and
kids from different cultural and ethnic back-
grounds. You can also look at it in terms
of the curriculum and the materials which
the school uses and puts in front of kids.
Just with those three sort of bits of frame-

work if you like we could start with any
impressions that you've gained about the way
in which the school works and the sorts of

relationships you've noticed and then maybe
I can come in at different points.

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