iii SS3 On the other hand there is an incredible
hii amount of passivity, resistance coming out of kids
- not being willing to participate which is equally
a form of resistance to this -
I mean we had this picture of the school -
not providing an outlet - partly because
of the timetable - partly because of the insti-
tutional set up and I find it also perhaps
- as well to say that the analysis doesn’t
deny that energies are there both of the kids
and of the teachers. We haven’t really dis-
cussed how it affects us as an institution.
I find it actually does tend to be quite hard
for my energies trying to teach. I find it
a real effort to try to be energetic and usually
ɪ am energetic and it’s not to do with having
to face working class kids. Most of
are working class people and it’s
problem when you’re out of school

not a
but once
you're in school there's a real
veil comes
down - difficult to explain but of keeping
up an energy level and having authentic energy
rather than one that you set up ..... I find
that really a big problem though it got better
as the year went on and at the beginning it
was just like going into school and there
was this draining feeling.
It is perhaps easier to focus on the pupils and their problems as
learners and yet tħelinks made by SS2 are vital.
Professional training
should be about directing and developing energies for learning and
if schools as institutions sap these energies then the professional
task involves the confronting this reality. In the Research Group
it was evident that early educational experience exerted a strong
and continuing influence and just as the experience is personal so
has to be the working with it. For SS2 and other students in this
group the diary and the Reports provided a way of achieving this.
Often the concerns expressed and followed through in relation to
pupils had their counterpart in those that the students worked with
at their own level. How far resolutions can or should be expected
within the confines of the year remains an open question. What is
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