teacher in school and her exploration of this area through the Reading
Option. The issue of putting educational ideas into practice involves
much more than knowing the ideas. Even once the ideas are familiar
there may be gaps between
them and one's own practice which may appear
impossible to bridge.
School A 14.5.82
P5f vi
SS3 Because I’m very much aware of the gap between
this theory (Medway) and my own practice.
Eng Yes
Can you say
ore about that?
SS3 Yes, I’m just not sure that I structured the
class possibly in such a way that there was
this autonomous learning going. Things that
Medway talked about didn’t actually happen
in my classroom. I can’t be more specific
than that.
What is important is the student’s concern to work within the observed
’gap’ not just to discuss the theory but to extend her knowledge of
what it implies through work with members of her group.
PGCE in process of teacher education
a) Personal learning
The concern with practice and with its changes and development is
a proper focus for PGCE work which needs to comprehend and work with
the wider social and personal factors
that affect change.
The Research
Group showed how personal growth and
concerns of the PGCE
development could be legitimate
Analysis of the school groups has suggested
that this can occur but that it requires ways of working with indivi-
dual students as well as
within the groups
to make this a focus.