The Maths that is now taught in schools
bears no relation to how we were taught in schools
..... but I think it would be valuable if they
could learn about it ..... although I'm not
exactly sure how it could be done because I know
in School E if they had English people coming
in, joining Maths lessons in a halfhearted sort
of way then I think there would be some resentment
in the Maths department. .
... We’re the lucky ones.
We get to do
Maths and we get to be more of ourselves .....
I’m doing Humanities and Community Education,
in that sense I’m lucky, I’m getting a broader
view, but I think that for the purposes of the
course it would be more useful for the English
and Social Science people if they learn more about
how Maths is taught in schools.
Why? -
Because it's very difficult to become
completely integrated in the school that you are
working in if you’ve no idea of the way one of
the main subjects is taught.
I’m finding
going to Humanities lessons far more valuable
than I would find a short talk on the Humanities,
valuable in the sense of being interesting and
again you learn what the kids do when they’re
not with you in a
uch more complete way than
you would learn with a seminar or a talk or whatever.
..... A lot of the time the Maths staff
are not very keen to do it (a social education
course which is the responsibility of form tutors).
..... I think that is true and it may well
be because when they went out to teach they didn’t
do a course like we’re doing
when I become
a teacher at school then I will take more interest
in other subjects purely because I’ve seen .....
had the opportunity to find out something about