The name is absent









..... apart from just the Alternative Course
there are lots of interesting lectures and things
going on in the normal course which I'm interested


this whole week I've been busy from

9:00 to 5:00.

When I was at University, it was

you didn’t feel like you had to go home and relax
so much, I really feel the need to go home and
unwind a bit and then you feel that you’ve got
to start reading again.

I think I've worked a lot harder than I

would if it was a normal lecture course, because

I could see that despite the quarrels we’ve had
about the relevance of the seminars, I can see
that there ought to be some kind of relevance
and so I’ve been tending to work towards that.

Well the relationship between what you do

in school and what you do in seminars is something

that is going to build up gradually ...

Date 12.10.79

( iii)



I really enjoyed it (Tuesday) and really

look forward to next week.

It was really good

to get going in something practical ..... I’ve

noticed that people (the people I’m thinking

of weren’t from our course) see

to be generating





this fear

horror, dread of teaching practice

and it's like exams, it’s like a disease,
person says it and then it seems to be


escalating, I'm really glad that we've started
off right at the beginning.

..... the other students are having to
go to lectures ..... it’s almost a false situation

in comparison to what they consider to be the
real part of the course which is not in the
Institute at all.

I can imagine it building up
frenzy of fear.

into a real

I don't feel it myself because I've taught
already but (people are) organizing things to
happen just before teaching practice.

..... at a dance society meeting they
said we'll have to fit this ballet in before
teaching practice and I said, well I hope all
social life isn't going to stop during teaching
practice because if it is I'm not going to be
a teacher.

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