12 . 10.79
I think the idea that we should be
immediately questioning why these kids are at
school, what we really want is a thing we’ll
be able to artswer as we get into (the concept
of) de-schooling society - Illich.
..... something which is pretty heavy to jump
Something which we probably all talk about
in seminars and people get disillusioned and
start to really question what the hell they’re
doing on this course, what are the schools out
there trying to do?
I think it’s great we’re
all starting to think like that, if this course
encourages us to think like that, as opposed
to the other course .....
I really don’t wish to sound negative
because I’m actually enjoying the course, believe
it or not.
I mean I think it’s important now
for everybody to kind of»explore the different
ideas they’ve got, but it’s Just,I was just
commenting on the fact ever since I’ve been here
I’ve been thinking, you know, we’re really getting
off into abstract and it’s not really like that
and I feel like going Ijack to the reality of.....
But the point is that you rpally can’t
think that what things are realljj like because
they’re really like all sorts of things.
see, I mean, what they’re really like at C and
they’re really like at D are totally different,
aren’t they.
Seems that we’ve got confused between.
we’ve got these ideas that require a lot of social
theories, you know.
We know about educational
inequality and we feel education ought to be
more relevant and meaningful to pupils that tend
to come out under-achieving and we’re trying
to think of ways that we can improve the situation
as teachers ourselves but yet we keep coming
up against the fact that we’ve got the exam syste
and the fact schools do serve to perpetuate
class divisions so on the one hand we’re trying
to change things and yet there again there’s
the reality that we keep banging into which doesn’t
seem to be really clarified at all.
to'say what we’re trying to achieve.
We’ve get
But surely if you don’t have that collision
then nothing ever happens.