The name is absent


ship between school and university. There is little opportunity
for practitioners to explore the processes that might underpin both
the production of and maintenance of role conflict. Such an
exploration might enable a re—evaluation of such conflict whereby
it may be seen as an integral element of teacher education that
is concerned with educational change.

Student Attitudes on PGCE Course

The work which was done on student attitudes at five universities

showed that the differences observed were not produced by initial
observed differences in the student body. They suggest that "there
is evidence of an institutional effect over and above the social
climate effect” (1973 Ch4 P17) where institutional refers to charac-
teristics of the course, types of teaching practice etc. With
particular reference to Sussex they conclude that the "Sussex teaching

scheme produces changes in the attitudes to education of the student

cohort which are consistently

different from those produced by the

universities most similar to Sussex" (1973 Ch4 P68). This was a

the PGCE to work clearsightedly in relation to its

own specific

intake and to its schools.

The practitioner here requires details of structure and process
within the individual course to try to establish what the critical
elements are. An example of this may be seen in a particularly



that a higher

proportion of Sussex students

perceived differences between their university tutor

Е-tutor) and

teacher-tutors on their ideas relating to five aspects of education

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