The name is absent


than did students from the other universities (Table 31 Ch4 P42).
These were a) general views of aims of education   b) acceptance

of new ideas   c) the curriculum d) relationship   with pupils

e) the appearance of the teacher*may go some way towards explaining
why Sussex students do not perceive themselves as more accepted
in their school" (1973 Ch4 P43).

Whilst such conclusions remain speculative they are of considerable
importance in that they suggest that in certain ways, albeit unfore-
seen, the Sussex scheme was working with elements of the social-
isation process of professionals that can so frequently be
ignored in teacher education. Interestingly here they comment that
critical awareness of the school and university was stated as an
objective of the scheme by a number of university tutors' (Ch8 P26)
which raise the question of the place of this awareness in the aims
as interpreted and used as a basis for the evaluation. Given that
at the outset of a radically innovative scheme dissension is more
likely than consensus it may be the case that individual members
of staff brought different attitudes and ways of proceeding into
the pattern of professional action that contributed to these
outcomes. The emphases of the research may have failed to bring
this into focus.

A group

findings relate

to factors that are particular to the

training institution itself.

These are the importance of the subject

method grouping and its relationship

to sub-cultural

elements deve-

loped informally within

groups and

the importance

in the

personal development of

students .

Then there

the appearance

distinct patterns

social strategy related to the location

of the PGCE in the university as well as the school.

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