Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

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1.1 General ala of the study

The purpose of the study is to develop an ethnographic approach to
Coaaunication and second language learning for Teacher Education
Prograaaes in Bultilinguall underdeveloped countries, by providing an
exaaple of how teachers could apply knowledge of language patterns used
at hoae to language learning activities in the Classrooa. It is suggested
that the study of the children's 'ways of talking* outside school would
enable teachers to make a principled use of current syllabi and
participate in educational innovation.

The study is based on data froa Mozaablque, where I worked in Teacher
Education and in a Eesearch Project on Blllnguallsa; it aay be relevant,
however, to other situations where:

- the language used at hoae by the children (Ll) is different froa the
country's official language (L2) used at school;

- the aedlua of instruction is L2 froa the beginning of Grade 1, with
no use of the LI;

- children have little or no exposure to L2 and literacy before
entering and outside school, and their Classaates are in the same

- teachers are bilingual, but poorly trained; they constitute the sole L2
learning resource for oral coaaunication, and can rely only on scarce
teaching aaterlals;

- curricula and syllabi are designed at national level.

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