C.C.R. = Conselho Coordenador do Recenseamento (Maputo)
Census Mational Office
C.R.P. = ComissSo JTacional do Piano (Maputo)
National Planning Commission
FRE.LI.lfO. = Frente de Libeι~taςSo de Xoςambique
Mozambique Liberation Front; now Party
I.R.D.E. = Instituto Racional de Desenvolvimento da EducaςSo (Maputo)
National Institute for the Development of Education
L.C.H.C. = Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition
Ll = First Language
L2 = Second Language
X.E.C. = Sinister io da Educaς3o e Cultura (Maputo)
Ministry of Education and Culture (now Ministry of Education)
U.N.I.N. = United Nations Institute for Namibia (Lusaka)
S.R.E. = Sistema Racional de EducaςSo
National Educational System
Z.P.D. = Zone of Proximal Development