Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

List of Annexes


The Aias

1.1  Contrasting Ethnographic and Quantitative Approaches             190

1.2  Contrasting Positivist and Eaturalistic Axioms                    191

The Literature

2.1 Societal and Linguistic Goals and their Relation to
Educational Policies                                               192

2.2  Prerequisites for L2 LearningZsituation in Selected Countries     193

2.3  Werth's Model of Conversation                                      194

2.4  Mishler's Types of Discourse                                       195

The Setting

3.1 Map of Mozambique's main Languages

3.2  List of Dialogues in Textbooks and Teacher's Manuals              197

3.3  Textbook Dialogue: Eo.8                                            198

3.4  Textbook Dialogue: Wo.10                                             199

3.5  Textbook Dialogue: Ko.11                                           200

3.6  Example of a Transcript from the I.JΓ.D.E. Study                    202

Interpretation of Results

5.1  Identity of Speakers in Conversational Sequences                  203

5.2  Basic Functions of Utterances by Speaker                         204

5.3  Main Functions of Utterances by Speaker                         205

5.4  Main Functions of Requests by Speaker                           206

5.5  Sustaining and Eon-sustaining Utterances by Speaker             207

5.6  Dynamic of Interaction by Speaker                                208

5.7  Questions as Reply Moves by Speaker                             209

5.8 Adults' Requests for Information and Explanations and their
relation to the Dynamic of Interaction                            210

5.9 Clarification Requests by Speaker                                 211

5.10 Sustaining Moves by Speaker                                     212

5.11 Clarification Requests by Speaker                                 213

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