I 193
Annex 2.2
Prerequisites for L2 Learning and situation in Selected Countries
(from Phillipson, Skutnabb-Kangas and Africa, 1986:86-87)
Segregation |
Maintenant HDS |
Programmes |
Submersion LDS |
Immersion HDS | |||
Dominant medium |
Ll |
L2 | |||||
∏f eriιιcatinn —. | |||||||
κ∕ι Uuuvniivii |
Finns |
W. Europe | |||||
Bantu |
Turks |
Uzbekistan |
Chicanas |
Zambia |
minorities |
Canada | |
Organizational factors | |||||||
I. Alternative programmes | |||||||
available |
— |
— |
+ |
+ |
— |
— |
+ |
2. Pupilsequallyplaced 3. Bilingual (B), Trained (T) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
teachers |
B |
BorT |
BT |
BT |
B |
T |
BT |
4. Bilingual materials (e,g. S. Culturalcontentof |
— |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+ |
materials appropriate for |
— |
— |
+ |
+ |
— |
— |
+ |
Learner-related affective factors 6. Low level of anxiety | |||||||
(supportive, non- |
— |
— |
+ |
+ |
— |
— |
+ |
7. High internal motivation | |||||||
(not forced to use L2, |
— |
— |
+ |
+ |
- |
— |
+ |
8. High self-confidence (fair | |||||||
chance to succeed, high |
— |
- |
+ |
+ |
+ | ||
Li-related linguistic, cognitive, | |||||||
pedagogical and social factors 9. Adequatelinguistic | |||||||
development in Ll (LI |
B |
B |
W |
W |
- |
— |
W |
10. Enough relevant, cogni- |
-7 | ||||||
tively demanding subject |
-7 |
+7 |
+ |
+ |
—9 |
+ | |
11. OpportunitytodevelopLI | |||||||
outside school in linguisti- |
+? |
— |
+ |
— |
+ |
— |
+ |
contexts | |||||||
12. L2-teaching supports (+) | |||||||
or harms (—) Ll develop- |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
—7 |
+ | |
L2-related linguistic, cognitive, | |||||||
development in L2 (L2 |
B ' |
B |
W |
W |
B |
B |
W |
14. L2 input adapted to pupils’ |
-7 | ||||||
L2 level |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
— |
+ | |
15. Opportunity to practise L2 16. Exposuretonative |
— |
— |
+ |
+? |
— |
— |
- |
speaker L2 use in linguisti- |
— |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | |
contexts__________________ |
Nate: I DS = Inw Deeree of Success. HDS = Hieh Decree of Success.