Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach



List of Figures and Tables                                                6

List of Abbreviations                                                     8

List of Annexes                                                           9

The Aims

1.1 General aim of the study                                         10

1.2 The ethnographic approach                                        11

1.3 Overview of the study                                            18

The Literature

2.1 Language in Education policies
1. Colonialism and language                                   22

2. Traditional and colonial education                         25

3. Linguistic minorities                                       28

4. Bilingual programmes in education                          29

2.2 Oral language and Literacy
1. Literacy and cognitive processes                           33

2. Differences between oral and written language              35

3. Oral discourse, oral text and school literacy              37

4. Bilingualism and development of literacy                   39

2.3 The socio-historical school In Soviet Psychology

1. Introduction                                                42

2. Basic concepts                                              43

3. The role of the adult in education                         47

4. Context and meaning                                      50

5. Kelevance for education in underdeveloped countries        52

2.4 Adult-child conversation
1. Adults' role in language development                       54

2. Question-answer patterns                                  56

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