Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

2.5 Ethnography of communication

1. Cross-cultural variation in adult-child interaction        58

2. Dyadic interaction and adults' input                       59

3. Children as conversational partners                       61

4. Facilitating structures of adults' talk                    63

5. Adult-child Question and Reply patterns                   64

The Setting

3.1 The linguistic situation in Xozamhlque

1. African languages and Portuguese                           66

2. Language policies of colonial Portugal                     71

3. Language during the war and after Independence            73

3.2 Education in Mozambique

1. Colonial education                                          77

2. The educational policy of FEE.LI.MO.                         79

3. Primary education and its Teachers                        83

3.3 Language learning in the First Grade                            86

3.4 The IJMXE. Project                                               90

The Method

4.1 Overview                                                          95

4.2 Problems in naturalistic research

1. Maturalistic methods                                       96

2. Collection and processing of data                          98

4.3 The subset of data

1. From Interaction to adult-child conversations            101

2. The analysis of adult-child conversational sequences 103

4.4 The coding system

1. Definitions                                                105

2. The Codebook                                              108

Examples of coded Conversational Sequences              116

4.5 From home data to educational practice

1. Home conversations and classroom interaction             121

2. First and second language acquisition                    126

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